The Marriage Course

Imagine a date night, 7 weeks in a row! In a private and romantic atmosphere, this course teaches cou-ples about the natural virtues which are proper to the spousal relationship. These natural virtues are vital for every family. In addition, these virtues are the indispensible foundation for the supernatural virtues. These virtues are explained in simple and practical terms in well-executed talks, then brought home to each marriage with focused exercises each one completes with their spouse alone. There is neither group exercises nor public sharing of any kind.

The course is for any couple, married two years or more, who want to build a better relationship. Is your marriage better than it was 2 years ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago? Your relationship is meant to grow; this course offers tools to make that happen. The Marriage Course, however, is not a replacement for counseling, therapy, or spiritual direction. These other resources are important tools to address deeper issues that may be necessary or helpful to you.

The course will be Friday evenings, from 15 January through 27 February. Welcome at 6:45 pm; wine and cheese served at candlelit tables, one couple per table. The talk begins at 7:00 pm; coffee and dessert is served around 8 pm; dismissal at 9 pm. Typically, it is very challenging to attend 7 Fridays in a row. You will have to say 'no' to other engagements. If you can foresee unavoidable scheduling conflicts on 2 evenings or more, please consider coming to the next session of the course instead of this one. The time spent on this course is well-spent. Consider it a wise investment which will pay rich dividends for the rest of your married lives. Please fill out the attached form and hand it into the parish office. As space is limited, we will respond to your registration and inform you of the availability.

Click here to download the registration form (copies of this form are also available in the Social Room). Please print and hand the completed form in to the parish office. The cost is $80 per couple which includes the workbooks and the refreshments for the 7 evenings. A scholarship may be available. Inquire with your registration.