Receiving Sacraments at St. Joseph Parish

If your child is already attending Religious Ed and is in a Sacramental Prep year, the necessary forms can be found HERE.

Infant – This Sacrament is available to registered members of St. Joseph’s. Please contact the office soon after the baby is born as our policy is to baptize within the first month after birth. Letters of good standing are required for the godparents, unless they are active members of our parish.

Adult – For adults interested in becoming Catholic, we have an Adult Catechism class which begins each Fall and runs until Spring. Registration and details are published in late summer in our parish bulletin. There is no fee for the class, but students must provide their own books.

First Holy Communion
Children who have reached 2nd Grade must enroll in our Religious Education program in the Fall.

In the Diocese of Richmond, candidates must have reached 10th Grade or be at least 15 years old. To receive the Sacrament at St. Joseph’s, candidates must complete the 2-year prep as part of our Religious Ed. Program.

At least one of the parties must be a registered member of St. Joseph’s who has regularly attended Mass here for at least 6 months prior to beginning marriage prep. If this person lives outside the Diocese of Richmond, a letter of permission must be obtained from the pastor of the territorial parish (the parish closest to this person’s residence).
Please approach the office with a request for marriage preparation at least 6 months in advance of your suggested wedding date.


For all other questions, please contact the parish office.